
Corrosion method needle valve

To know preservative is very important for a product, directly affect the normal use, the FD-LOK stainless needle valves Take for instance, it is relative to the main body corrosion, the material it uses stainless steel or carbon steel . Although the method of corrosion of materials a lot of very rich, but the application can not be appropriately or a more difficult matter, because of corrosion problems are quite complicated and more difficult.
First, in the selection of the time there is great difficulty, not only consider the anti-corrosion properties, but also need to consider the ability to withstand high temperatures. Under pressure and temperature is not high, the use of non-metallic materials to make the valve body, often can be effective anti-corrosion, the outer surface of the FD-LOK Stainless steel needle valve body will be exposed to atmospheric corrosion, usually applied paint to give protection.

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